January 8, 2023 @ 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM
St. John's Lutheran Church

New Member Classes
2 Classes are being offered in January 2023 for those wishing to learn more about Lutheranism and/or desiring to become members of St. John’s Lutheran Church.

1. “What does it mean to be a member of St. John’s?”
January 8, 11:40am in the Blue Room. (3rd floor)
An overview of the church leadership, the ministries and activities of St. John’s, as well a brief church tour will be shared.

2. “What does it mean to be a Lutheran?”
January 15, 11:40am in the Blue Room (3rd floor)
This simple overview of Luther’s theology is open to those who are considering joining St. John’s or those interested in understanding Lutheranism better.

If you would like to attend either of these sessions, please call the church office (845-452-1550) or email Rev. Koenig or Jeanne Jones.
Please let us know if childcare is needed for the sessions.

Rev. Koenig revkoenig@stjohnselc.org
Jeanne Jones jjones@stjohnselc.org