March 30, 2025 @ 3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
St. John's Lutheran Church
55 Wilbur Blvd
Free Will Offering

Emily Finke and Michael Hofmann bless the congregation with their voices each week as they sing as section leaders during the 10:30AM worship service. They have teamed up to offer a special concert at St. John’s on March 30, 3PM. St. John’s Music director, John Corrie will accompany them on piano. The performance will include classical and current composers: Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Fanny Hensel, Hugo Wolf, C. Schumann, Gerald Finzi, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Samuel Barber, and Ben Moore. 
A freewill offering will be taken to support extra music programs such as this.

We welcome all to join us for this special concert; bring a friend/neighbor!