The goal or “mission” of St. John’s Lutheran Church is to help people encounter, connect and respond to Jesus Christ.  To that end, we have “Mission Teams”, which are groups that  support church operations and work to further our “mission”.  Many of these teams support various outreach ministries, connecting people to the love of Jesus through the work of their hands. Below is a list of the Mission Teams at St. John’s with a picture of the leader for that team; click here if you want to learn more about the work they do for the church and community. 

Learn more about Mission Teams


Adult Ministry Mission Team
John Dux


Children’s Ministry Mission Team
Amy Huber


Communication Mission Team
Doug Ohlandt



Evangelism Mission Team
Susan Lamberton


Finance & Administration Mission Team

Hospitality Mission Team
Jackie Boccio


Parish Care Mission Team
Jan Viola


Property Mission Team



Social Ministry Mission Team
Abby Dux & Linda Haas Manley


Stewardship Mission Team
Steve Jones


Worship & Music Mission Team
Anne Christmas


Youth Mission Team