Each week between the two worship services a group meets to discuss the lessons read in worship that week. No preparation needed!
Each week between the two worship services a group meets to discuss the lessons read in worship that week. No preparation needed!
Bunco Game & Pizza
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:45AM-1:45PM
The Hospitality Mission Team (HMT) is hosting a Pizza Party at 11:45AM (immediately following the 10:30AM worship service), followed by a Bunco Game. Bunco is a game that takes no skill (if you can roll dice, you can play the game) and it is a great game for children, parents, singles, couples, guests or anyone! Participants will have their own set of dice to reduce the spreading of germs.
A freewill offering will be taken to cover pizza costs.
We need to get an accurate count to arrange the tables and order the right amount of pizza, so please sign up by February 26 in the church office (to the right when you walk in) or contact Jeanne. jjones@stjohnselc.org 452-1550
NOTE: Gluten free pizza will be available to those who note that need on the sign-up sheet.
Ash Wednesday Services
The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday services on Wednesday, March 5 at 12:00 Noon and 7:30PM.
The imposition of ashes will take place at both services for those wishing to receive them.
Each week between the two worship services a group meets to discuss the lessons read in worship that week. No preparation needed!
ELCA World Hunger Lenten Study
March 12, 19 & 26, April 2 & 9
12:00-1:00PM Blue Room
March 13, 20 & 27, April 3 & 10
6:30-7:30PM on Zoom
Zoom link is emailed weekly, but you can use the same one each week.
You are not alone. This Lent, we invite you to return from whatever lonesome wilderness you find yourself in, to life in a community of faith that cares for its members and for creation, because we are all children of God. To that end, this Lenten study reflects on the work of social ministry organizations (SMOs) dedicated to ending hunger at its roots. We hope that, during your Lenten journey, these stories of ELCA World Hunger’s partner organizations working to strengthen community will help you to celebrate your place in your own community.
More info: 845-452-1550 jjones@stjohnselc.org
Soup Supper and Mid-Week Lenten Service
Each Wednesday during Lent, St John’s Lutheran Church offers a Lenten Soup Supper at 6PM followed by a brief Lenten service at 7PM. All are invited to the church Fellowship Hall to eat and observe the Lenten season together.
March 12, 19, 26, April 2 & 9
ELCA World Hunger Lenten Study
March 12, 19 & 26, April 2 & 9
12:00-1:00PM Blue Room
March 13, 20 & 27, April 3 & 10
6:30-7:30PM on Zoom
Zoom link is emailed weekly, but you can use the same one each week.
You are not alone. This Lent, we invite you to return from whatever lonesome wilderness you find yourself in, to life in a community of faith that cares for its members and for creation, because we are all children of God. To that end, this Lenten study reflects on the work of social ministry organizations (SMOs) dedicated to ending hunger at its roots. We hope that, during your Lenten journey, these stories of ELCA World Hunger’s partner organizations working to strengthen community will help you to celebrate your place in your own community.
More info: 845-452-1550 jjones@stjohnselc.org
Each week between the two worship services a group meets to discuss the lessons read in worship that week. No preparation needed!
ELCA World Hunger Lenten Study
March 12, 19 & 26, April 2 & 9
12:00-1:00PM Blue Room
March 13, 20 & 27, April 3 & 10
6:30-7:30PM on Zoom
Zoom link is emailed weekly, but you can use the same one each week.
You are not alone. This Lent, we invite you to return from whatever lonesome wilderness you find yourself in, to life in a community of faith that cares for its members and for creation, because we are all children of God. To that end, this Lenten study reflects on the work of social ministry organizations (SMOs) dedicated to ending hunger at its roots. We hope that, during your Lenten journey, these stories of ELCA World Hunger’s partner organizations working to strengthen community will help you to celebrate your place in your own community.
More info: 845-452-1550 jjones@stjohnselc.org